The president’s plans, part of a $2.25 trillion infrastructure and stimulus blueprint he is set to unveil in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, are meant to catalyze investments in a clean energy economy and encourage low-emission technology necessary to constrain global warming. SourceContinue Reading
Texas moved to stop the city of Austin and others from imposing a California-style ban on natural gas in new homes and buildings, the latest salvo in the gas industry’s bid to protect itself from local climate regulations. SourceContinue Reading
It’s the latest in a series of incidents that are undermining the southern African country’s hopes of developing some of the continent’s biggest private investment projects. As much as $120 billion of investments by Total, Exxon Mobil Corp. and other companies may be approved by 2026, according to Standard Bank Group Ltd. SourceContinue Reading
The head of oil trader Gunvor Group Ltd. expects prices to remain stuck where they are as draws of excess stocks slow amid rising coronavirus cases in Europe. SourceContinue Reading
Oil is poised to close out a fourth quarterly advance on Wednesday, but the past week has seen volatility climb amid the Suez Canal blockage. While fuel consumption is rising in many parts of the world, risks remain, with the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warning of “impending doom” as...Continue Reading
The coalition led by Saudi Arabia was widely criticized three weeks ago when it rebuffed calls to revive some of the crude production halted during the pandemic. As OPEC prepares for another decision on oil output, the producers believe their defiantly cautious approach is paying off. SourceContinue Reading
The field test, completed on behalf of a major operator, was comprised of more than 300 operating hours with an average of more than 18 pumping hours per day, including the completion of 172 stimulation stages at rates up to 22 barrels per minute. SourceContinue Reading
In an agreement that further expands and complements Baker Hughes CCUS technology portfolio offering to strategically position for new energy frontiers, the Mixed Salt Process technology enables significant carbon capture separation cost reductions, providing cost savings for energy and industrial operators to decarbonize operations. SourceContinue Reading
The Ever Given is now fully afloat, the Suez Canal Authority said in a statement. Tug boats hauled the giant vessel away from the side of the waterway, where it had been lodged since last Tuesday. SourceContinue Reading
Girish Saligram, Weathrford’s President and CEO said “We believe this is the right time in our reemergence to relist on the NASDAQ stock exchange and that doing so will enhance long-term shareholder value by improving the Company’s visibility, expanding liquidity in our ordinary shares, and providing a broader institutional investor base the opportunity to invest...Continue Reading