KCA Deutag has secured contracts worth around $110 million for its land drilling business in Pakistan, Russia, Kurdistan, south-eastern Europe and Germany. The new business is made up of a mix of contract wins, allowing the company to mobilize stacked rigs, and contract extensions. SourceContinue Reading
Total SE is evacuating most of the remaining employees from its liquefied natural gas project in northern Mozambique as insurgents attacked a town nearby, throwing Africa’s biggest private investment into disarray. SourceContinue Reading
Beijing plans to invest in Iran while buying oil from the Islamic Republic, further straining its relationship with the U.S. which has already been frayed by China’s imports of covertly-shipped Iranian crude. SourceContinue Reading
Iraq is discussing a deal with Total SE to build large infrastructure installations, develop oil fields and produce gas, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar told Asharq News, saying “the agreement is giant, and the volume of the investment exceeds $7 billion.” SourceContinue Reading
The three-member New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission voted unanimously for rules that are set to go into effect as early as May. Oil companies, gas processing plants and pipeline operators will have until 2026 to get their gas emissions down to 2% of production. SourceContinue Reading
BP’s board urged shareholders to reject a climate resolution filed by Dutch activist investor Follow This, despite pledging to work with the group last year to draft such a proposal. SourceContinue Reading
On March 29th, when Abu Dhabi begins selling futures contracts for its oil and then shipping the barrels from Fujairah, it will mark an aggressive shift by the emirate. It hopes to change the way nearly one-fifth of the world’s crude is priced. SourceContinue Reading
AMLO has turned the Texas freeze crisis into a rallying cry for more energy independence, weaponizing it to advance a nationalist agenda that has implications beyond natural gas imports and threatens tens of billions of dollars of investments in renewable energy by U.S., Canadian and European energy companies. SourceContinue Reading
Yemen’s Houthis said they attacked several of Saudi Aramco’s facilities with drones and ballistic missiles on Friday, the latest in a spate of strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure. SourceContinue Reading
China’s quick recovery from Covid-19 means that its demand for oil and gas has fully recovered from the pandemic-induced swoon of early 2020, and President Xi Jinping continues to make energy security a top priority. SourceContinue Reading