The world’s biggest fracking services provider, Halliburton has deployed the industry’s first grid-powered fracking operation on behalf of Cimarex Energy Co. To date, it’s completed almost 340 stages across multiple wells. SourceContinue Reading
The pipelaying vessel Fortuna is expected to complete works in Danish seas by the middle of the last week of May, and then start in German waters with construction going through to June. SourceContinue Reading
Choi traveled to Doha from Tehran after fruitless talks over the South Korean-flagged Hankuk Chemi, an oil-products tanker detained by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on Jan. 4. He also discussed billions of dollars of Iranian money trapped in South Korea due to U.S. sanctions. SourceContinue Reading
Siemens Energy AS and BPT have been successfully working together for the past two years, as part of the Oil and Gas Technology Centre’s ‘Facility of the Future’ study, developing and maturing Floating Normally Unattended Installation technology. SourceContinue Reading
Under the award, Equinor and partner BP will provide generation capacity totaling 3.3 gigawatts (GW) of power to the state of New York. SourceContinue Reading
Equinor plans to build a floating pilot plant off Frøya near Trondheim in the late summer of 2021. It is set to become the world’s first pilot plant for floating solar power in rough waters. SourceContinue Reading
Over the long-term, the impacts of behavioral shifts due to COVID-19 are minor compared to “known” long-term shifts such as decreasing car ownership, growing fuel efficiencies and a trend towards electric vehicles, whose impact is estimated to be three-to-nine times higher than the pandemic’s by 2050. SourceContinue Reading
The island nation of Palau says a tanker that recently loaded Venezuelan crude was using a false signal to disguise its identity, potentially putting the Pacific country in the crosshairs of U.S. sanctions. SourceContinue Reading
Total and Apache Corporation have made a new significant oil and gas discovery at the Keskesi East-1 well, in Block 58 off the coast of Suriname. This follows previous discoveries at Maka Central, Sapakara West and Kwaskwasi. SourceContinue Reading