Granholm served as energy adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and has been credited with expanding Michigan’s clean energy industry during her two terms as governor. SourceContinue Reading
It looks like the mainstream media have finally realized that government intervention in energy markets impacts the cost of energy for consumers. SourceContinue Reading
Venture Global LNG Inc. plans to have six of 18 production units at the Calcasieu Pass plant in Louisiana installed by mid-February, CEO Mike Sabel said in an interview. Commercial operations are expected in 2022. SourceContinue Reading
The new contract covers hook-up on the field and other hook-up and completion tasks that must be carried out after the platform has been installed to prepare it for operation. SourceContinue Reading
Shell and Equinor will develop the next generation of Shell Inventory Optimizer, a solution that leverages advanced analytics on historical data to optimize operational spare part inventory levels. Microsoft will be supporting Shell and Equinor with the co-development of the tool, which runs on Microsoft Azure. SourceContinue Reading
On Dec. 14th, the groups filed requests with an Anchorage judge for a preliminary injunction to prevent the Interior Department’s planned Jan. 6 auction of oil and gas leases across the refuge’s 1.56-million-acre coastal plain. SourceContinue Reading
The funding decision demonstrates the Norwegian government’s support for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage value chain, which is essential if Europe is to achieve its carbon neutrality targets. SourceContinue Reading
Algeria’s Energy Minister Abdelmajid Attar, who holds OPEC’s rotating presidency, said there was no guarantee the group and its allies would raise crude production by 2 million barrels a day by April, even after an agreement earlier this month to reach that level in steps. SourceContinue Reading
Home to the Bakken shale formation, North Dakota won’t see any sustained growth in production sooner than the second half of 2022, Lynn Helms, director of the state’s Department of Mineral Resources, said. SourceContinue Reading
“Demand is clearly going to be lower for longer than expected” when the virus emerged in the spring, the agency said in a report, trimming forecasts for world fuel consumption following a new wave of lockdowns. “The market remains fragile,” it warned. SourceContinue Reading